Central Police Headquarters, Victoria
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16 Zofisye Servis Prizon Sesel in termin en formasyon 2 semenn kot Lakademi Lapolis.
Dan en seremoni ki ti fer yer apremidi kot Lakademi Lapolis, en group 16 Zofisye Servis Prizon Sesel in resevwar zot sertifika apre ki zot in termin en lantrennman 2 semenn kot sa lakademi.
I fer premye fwa ki Servis Prizon Sesel I kolabor avek Lakademi Lapolis pou fasilit lantrenman pou son bann zofisye. Sa I avek le bi, ki son bann zofisye I ganny ekipe avek bagaz neseser ki ava ed zot dan zot lanir travay. Lapolis an partenarya avek Servis Prizon Sesel pou kontinyen travay ansanm pou fer lezot lantrenman a lavenir pou ki lezot zofisye I osi benefisye.
En partisipan dan sa kour ti refer sorti, ki apre sa lantrenman ki zot in sivre " pou napa, okenn dife ou byen dezas ki pou arive ki zot pa pou kapab sirmonte".
Prezan kot sa seremoni ti Komisyoner Servis Prizon Sesel Mesye Raymond St Ange, Depite Komisyoner Lapolis Msye Francis Songoire, konmandan Lakademi Lapolis Asistan sirentandan Hendrika Marie, bann o zofisye dan lafors lapolis e Servis Prizon.

Minister, ComPol address officers on occasion of Police Day

After attending a mass to mark their day yesterday, police officers paraded through Victoria to the Central Police Station where they were addressed by the Minister for Internal Affairs Errol Fonseka and Commissioner of Police Ted Barbe.

In his address, Minister Fonseka called on the officers to assess themselves as police constables with sharp eyes, ears and mind, fit and accurate eye for detail, irrespective of ranks, to tackle the change in crimes which will get worse with the use of technology.

He noted that drugs is one of the police’s main challenges that will take time, effort and continuous endeavour to tackle.

Police host special thanksgiving mass to mark their day

Seychelles Police Force

The Seychelles Police Force yesterday attended a special thanksgiving mass at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Victoria, to commemorate their day, after which they paraded through Victoria back to the Central Police Station.

The event to mark Police Day also coincided with the International Day of Peace celebrated on September 21 under the theme ‘End racism, Build peace’.

The mass, which was presided over by Father David Alcindor, was to celebrate the achievements of the police and further to ask the Creator for help to serve without discrimination and to promote peace in the communities.

Seychelles Police Day

Seychelles Police Force

Police officers take part in blood donation drive

To commemorate the Seychelles Police Day celebrated on September 21 each year, some 30 officers from the Seychelles Police yesterday participated in a blood donation drive at the Seychelles Hospital.

Corporal Mira Marimba, who joined the police force 15 years ago, said that was not her first donation. “I am used to giving blood as I saw a need from the hospital but unfortunately there are many youths who cannot give blood as they are into drugs. I see this as a charitable gesture and as a youth and a member of the police force I find it very important. There are many people who might need blood and it can be anyone of us. Instead of being victim of bad influences, let us do it as our duty to help our own. Maler pa averti and anyone can need blood at any given time. We have to keep feeding the blood bank in order to help the community.”


The police force in the Seychelles is a national body which falls under the control of the National Commissioner of Police, who is appointed by the President subject to the approval of the National Assembly....


Police Headquarters, P.O Box 46, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles

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