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Mon - Fri: 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.
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Police academy facilities cease to take in people with drug withdrawal symptoms

The Seychelles Police Academy (SPA) has stopped taking in for treatment people with drug withdrawal symptoms, the Public Health Authority (PHA) has announced.

The facility has been returned to the Seychelles Police.

It was on August 29, 2017 that the PHA requisitioned the SPA dormitories for the Health Care Agency (HCA) to use as a temporary treatment facility for the management of people who were on drug withdrawal to cope with the surge in the number of cases.

Since its opening a total of 115 people (99 males /16 females) have been managed there, according to a joint communiqué from the PHA and HCA.

“All clients were satisfactorily cared for. The SPA facilities have provided the optimal environment for caring of this group of patients with the appropriate level of security and enough space for therapeutic activities,” says the communiqué.

The communiqué notes that since the beginning of this crisis, there has been a decreasing trend in the number of clients presenting with illicit drug withdrawal symptoms. Currently, the number of people attending HCA facilities with these symptoms is around 0 – 2 per day.

The communiqué states that the drop-in centres that are under Wellness Clinic remain functional.  “Illicit drug users wishing to be assisted and who are not registered with drop-in centres, are advised to register with the Agency for Prevention of Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation,” it says.

The PHA and the HCA have thanked the SPA for its understanding and support during this time.

New police commissioner Kishnan Labonte sworn in

‘I am one of the rare people to have made it full circle in the criminal justice system’

New Commissioner of Police, Kishnan Labonté, has officially sworn to uphold the Constitution of Seychelles and administer law and order without fear or favour.

The official swearing in of Commissioner Labonte took place yesterday morning at State House before the President of the Republic Danny Faure, Vice-President Vincent Meriton, Designated Minister Macsuzy Mondon, Speaker of the National Assembly Patrick Pillay, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Mathilda Twomey, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Nicholas Prea, other leaders in the National Assembly and high officials.

Also duly present were members of the commissioners’ family, namely his wife Jeanette Labonte, his son and daughter as well as his step-daughter.

As prescribed by Article 160(1) of the Constitution, Kishnan Labonte was last week nominated as Commissioner of Police by President Danny Faure, and his nomination was subsequently approved by the National Assembly.

With the ceremony yesterday, Mr Labonte officially replaces former Commissioner Reginald Elizabeth whose resignation took effect two days prior, on October 7.

Local law enforcement agencies strengthen capacity in detecting, fighting trans-border crimes

Agents and officers of local law enforcement agencies have conducted a two-day special joint exercise whereby they intensified ship boarding, coastal patrols, airport luggage and body searches with emphasis made on trans-border criminal activities like human trafficking, drug smuggling, vehicle thefts, contrabands, wildlife related crimes at all points of entry as well as on the roads.

Dubbed USALAMA the exercise is the fourth of its kind and is done annually and was conducted here on Wednesday and Thursday at the same time as it was being carried out in other countries of the region which are members of the Eastern Africa Police Chiefs Cooperation Organisation (EAPCCO) like Seychelles.

109 police officers promoted

One hundred and nine police officers of various ranks have been promoted.

The promotion ceremony took place at the Seychelles Police Academy last Friday in the presence of Designated Minister Macsuzy Mondon, who also holds the portfolio for Home Affairs under which the police falls.

During the ceremony 42 constables were promoted to the rank of corporal; 32 corporals were promoted to sergeants while 17 sergeants received the rank of sub-inspectors.

Ten sub-inspectors were promoted to inspectors; 5 inspectors to assistant superintendents and 2 assistant superintendents to superintendents.

The highlight was the promotion of one superintendent, Francois Freminot, to chief superintendent.

He will now take over the overall commander role of the CID, replacing one of the foreign officers, Christaan Marx, whose contract has just ended. Mr Marx has been mentoring Mr Freminot for about 2 and a half years now.

In his speech at the ceremony, the Commissioner of Police (ComPol) Reginald Elizabeth noted that the Police Force has a selection panel in place to consider promotion which is based on recommendation from respective Commanders and also on availability of budget.


The police force in the Seychelles is a national body which falls under the control of the National Commissioner of Police, who is appointed by the President subject to the approval of the National Assembly....


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