Central Police Headquarters, Victoria
Mon - Fri: 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.
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Commissioner Barbe’s message for Police Day




The United Nations (UN) has declared the 2021 Peace Day Theme as:

“Recovering Better for a Sustainable and Equitable World”

The UN invites the entire world to join the efforts of the United Nations family as they focus on recovering better for a more equitable and peaceful world.

The above theme is very significant in the light of all that is transpiring in the world at large today. There are wars and conflict in so many countries, eg, Afghanistan, Yemen, Tigray to name just a few. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire. We all join hands to pray together that the UN call for peace is observed on this day and that peace may continue to last.

Added to these ongoing conflicts, the entire world is caught in the savage grips of the COVID-19 pandemic. The UN states:

“In 2021, as we heal from the COVID-19 pandemic, we are inspired to think creatively and collectively about how to help everyone recover better, how to build resilience, and how to transform our world into one that is more equal, more just, equitable, inclusive, sustainable, and healthier.”

The above theme of sustainability and equitability can also be utilized in our present day situation within the Seychelles Police Force on this National Police Day.

2021 so far has seen many changes within the Senior Management of the Seychelles Police Force with the retirement of the previous Commissioner of Police and the resignation of one of the Deputy Commissioner’s. This has resulted in the appointment of myself as the new Commissioner of Police as well as the appointment of two new Deputy Commissioners. New leadership inevitably brings about some new changes and therefore the United Nations Peace Day Theme of Sustainability and Equitability is of paramount importance to ensure a smooth transition process within the Police Force.

My vision for the Seychelles Police Force is one of an organization that consists of well-trained men and women who are well-educated in all facets that require their knowledge for them to perform their daily duties. These day to day duties require a police officer to be anything from a social worker, to a first aid person, to a security officer and so forth. All police officers need to have a thorough knowledge of the laws of the country in order to effectively execute their duties and in this regards, one of the newly appointed Deputy Commissioner’s focus will be on personnel training and development. I therefore encourage all police officers to welcome the new training and development courses that will be made available shortly and to seize the opportunity to improve themselves at an academic level.

Notwithstanding academic development, we need to also be cognizant of our physical condition and to this end I implore upon all police officers to actively engage in an exercise regime. Not only will this enhance personal fitness levels, but will also be a safeguard to combat illnesses such as hypertension and diabetes which is on the increase in our country. Remember “a healthy body plus a healthy mind equals a happy life.”

Colleagues, at this juncture I wish to place on record my sincere appreciation to all that have supported me during my tenure as Acting Commissioner of Police. It is only through your loyal and faithful support that I was able to effectively execute my duties as Acting Commissioner. I believe that stood me in good stead to eventually being appointed into the post as Commissioner of Police. I look forward to your continued support going forward so that together we can make a difference and uplift the Seychelles Police Force into an organization that we can truly be proud of.

To those individuals within the Force who may be involved in any corrupt activities I say the following.         

Stop what you are doing.

I give you my word that we will investigate you to the fullest extent of the law and seek to prosecute you with the intention of convicting you. It is your activities that is tarnishing the image of honest, dedicated police officers and I will make a point of rooting you out of the system. You have my word.

To those dedicated police officers I say the following. Your loyalty, dedication and commitment has not gone unnoticed. I may not say this all the time but I sincerely thank you for all that you do. I know that it is not easy, especially now more so than ever during this pandemic that we are in. Hang in there. Keep your chin up and continue to perform your duties without fear, favor, prejudice or ill-will as our motto dictates. You will surely reap the rewards of your hard work.

Finally I wish to state that we need to work as a team in order to succeed. Remember there is no “I” in “Team”. It is all about collaborative partnerships, and combining our varied and unique skillsets that we each possess to achieve our common goal of making Seychelles a crime free paradise that we know it can be.

I Thank You


Mr Ted Barbe  

Commissioner of Police

Seychelles Police Force

Minister Fonseka and delegation meets TRNUC team

Tuesday morning the Minister for Internal Affairs Mr Errol Fonseka, accompanied by Commissioner Ted Barbe paid a courtesy call to The Truth, Reconciliation and National Unity Commission Chairman Mrs Macintyre at the Commission’s Headquarters based in Perseverance.

Discussion held evolved around the TRNUC Act, its mandate, complaints procedures, investigation aspects, identifying suspects and culprits, reparations for victims among others. The meeting was more or less a learning curve for both sides as points discussed concentrated mainly on challenges faced by both parties in regards to cases which have been before the Commission so far and possible spill offs which the Police should be made aware of in order to better deal with if need be after the Commission’s mandate ends in August next year.

Existing legal framework that needs to be reviewed and new policies to accommodate the commission’s findings and recommendations were points of no contention for the Minister and TRNUC Chairman if the final product from the whole process is to be a success.

Both parties acknowledged constraints of limited resources as major setback to more effectiveness in the performance and delivery to their clients but also appreciate positive differences made in the lives of many who have been through the TRNUC process.

Also present in the Minister’s delegation were Head of visible Policing Chief Superintendent Francis Songoire and CID Chief Superintendent Justin Dogley and Director for Trafficking in persons Bureau Ms Ina Laporte while in attendance from the TRNUC’s side were two commissioners namely Mrs Marie Therese Purvis and Mrs Marie May Leon.

Speech by the Commissioner of Police on the occasion of the National Police Day

Greetings to one and all. Even though I may not physically be present with you due to work commitments, please be assured that my prayers and well wishes are with you.

Peace Day is celebrated internationally on the 21st September each year. The Seychelles Police considering that its law-enforcement members are first and foremost “peace officers” have adopted that day to mark our National Police Day.

National Police Days are celebrated by countries around the world such as the USA, Russia, England, Singapore, Wales and Australia but generally not on International Peace Day.

Police Day is a day when recognition is given to the services rendered by their respective policing agencies. Likewise we in Seychelles also take this opportunity to acknowledge and give recognition to our members of the Seychelles Police Force on this our National Police Day.

This is a day which also indicates to local and international communities that our members of the Seychelles Police Force are honoured and respected for the law and order and the safety and security that they provide for the Republic of Seychelles and its people.

The Seychelles Police Force management believe that investment in its human capital is the fundamental basis on which it depends to prevent, reduce and investigate crime. Planned events during the week will show appreciation for the duties performed by our officers and civilian staff on a daily basis which oftentimes go by unnoticed.

Being a member of the Seychelles Police Force is not merely a job. It is a vocation. It is a calling that only a few will understand or fully appreciate. Therefore today we call for our communities to cooperate and work with the Police to rid our communities of crime. It is also about reminding our communities to respect our police officers.

National Police Day is indeed a very special day in the Police Force calendar. It is a day when our police officers rededicate themselves to the noble and critical vocation they have taken. On this day we use this occasion to reaffirm and remind ourselves of the back to basics approach adopted by the Seychelles Police Force.

The Seychelles Police Force approach to policing is based on an inclusive and integrated approach which involves a buy in from all levels of government, civil society and the general public. It is only by working together that we will be able to achieve success in making our country safe and secure from crime.

We are gravely concerned about crimes against women and children as well as drug and alcohol abuse in our society. We urge communities to work harder to isolate criminals and rid society of these crimes and causes of so much strife and suffering.

On National Police Day we fully recommit to a people-centred, professional and service-driven policing dispensation in our country. We are nothing without our people and on National Police Day we must all rededicate ourselves to serving our people with excellence and all we have in our power.

In saying this, it must also be reiterated that the public must contribute to the creation of a more conducive environment for the police to fight crime more decisively. This must be done by reporting all criminal activities to the police. Members of the public must also refrain from behavior that perpetuates crime, such as buying stolen goods for example.

In closing I wish to emphasize what I have said so often in the past and that is:

“Working together we can achieve all that we set out to do”

Remember “A Team Player”

Works positively together with everyone to get the job done in the best way possible.


I Thank You.


Mr K Labonte


Speech by the Commissioner of Police - Performance Review 2018


Deputy Commissioners of Police

Assistant Commissioner of Police

Senior Officers

Members of the Force


Good morning to one and all present.

I wish to quote from the Seychelles Police Instruction Book – Chapter 1 Paragraph 2 which was published in November 1977 by Mr James Pillay, the first Seychellois Commissioner of the Seychelles Police Force:

  • “The primary object of an efficient police is the prevention of crime; the next that of detection and punishment of offenders if crime is committed. To these ends all the efforts of police must be directed. The protection of life and property, the preservation of public tranquility, and the absence of crime, will alone prove whether those efforts have been successful, and whether the objects for which the police were appointed have been attained”.

(Sir Richard Mayne 1829)

These words were written in 1829 by Sir Richard Mayne the first joint Commissioner of the London Metropolitan Police. These words still ring true today for any police force anywhere in the world, including for us here in Seychelles.

In order to attain our objectives, much depends on the approval and co-operation of the public, and these have always been determined by the degree of respect and esteem in which the police are held. Therefore every member of the Force must remember that it is his duty to protect and help members of the public, no less than bring offenders to justice.

First and foremost, Policing is the prevention of crime.

 Most people can identify a police officer by the official police uniform. Criminals usually curb their unlawful behavior when they spot a police officer in their area.

Research has shown   that the uniform of a police officer has a profound psychological impact on those who view it. The crisp uniform of a police officer conveys power and authority.

Consequently, I urge all the police officers in the Visible Policing to wear their uniforms with pride. Always be smart and walk smartly in your uniform.

Complete and total prevention of crime only prevails in a utopian society, something which we are all striving for, but which no-one has yet achieved.  The efforts that we have employed here in Seychelles to achieve this ideal has been spelt out with regards to the statistics on Visible Policing and Crime Prevention which CSP Jacklin has already alluded to.

However we know that we do not live in a perfect society and the reality is that crime will take place. That brings us to the next object of an efficient police as stated by Sir Richard Mayne which is that of detection and punishment of offenders if crime is committed. This refers to the efforts of reactive policing as conducted by the Criminal Investigation Department commonly referred to as C.I.D.

The statistics for Reactive cases for the 2018 period is as follows:

  • No of cases carried forward to 2019: 494
  • Average solving rate: 9%

The statistics for the corresponding 2017 period is:

  • No of cases carried forward to 2018: 1159
  • Average solving rate: 6%

A comparison of the statistics shows that there has been an improvement in the performance of the C.I.D. from 2017 to 2018 as is evident with the increase in the solving rate and the lowering of the number of cases carried forward from one year to the next.

Sir Richard Mayne goes on to say that all the efforts of police must be directed to these two main objects, that being the prevention of crime and the detection of crime.  We, as the Seychelles Police Force, are constantly directing and redirecting our efforts in order to achieve these two objectives as is evident in the statistics that we have presented this morning.

Policing in general is not a simple task, but a rather complex one. A policeman is expected and required to wear many different hats during the course of his tour of duty. He has to change hats from being a lawyer, to a doctor at times, to a teacher, a social worker, a mother, a father to name but a few. It is for this reason that we invest in our policemen and women’s skills development so that they may carry out their duties effectively and efficiently in order that the targets that are set in terms of crime prevention and crime detection are achieved.

Our targets for 2019 and beyond are determined by our previous performance and based on the statistics presented today, I am certain that we are on the right path to making Seychelles a safer and better place for all Seychellois and visitors alike. In order to achieve these targets I require the full and undivided cooperation of all my officers and civilian staff. I also require the commitment and support from the public as well as from Government and civil society.

I wish to point out that change can take place at any given time but the implementation of change follows due process and this does not happen overnight, but over a period of time. I therefore urge one and all by humbly requesting the exercise of patience in seeing the fruits of our combined labour in achieving our set goals and targets.

Working together we can achieve all that we set out to do.

Remember A “Team Player”

Works positively together with everyone to get the job done in the best way possible.


Finally, I thank all of you for the support you have given me during the year under review and I look forward to closer collaboration.

Once again, I thank you!



Mr K Labonte



The police force in the Seychelles is a national body which falls under the control of the National Commissioner of Police, who is appointed by the President subject to the approval of the National Assembly....


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