Central Police Headquarters, Victoria
Mon - Fri: 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.
Crime Sropper

News & Events

Launching of Strategic Plan 2023-2025


Professionalising our Police Force involves transforming it to the highest level possible. In the process, the transformation entails improving the following areas within the Police Force: infrastructure, availability of equipment; and capacity building of our human resources. These are momentous changes if we are to keep abreast with ongoing global development in this day and age.

As early as last year, we embarked upon and emphasised on a new policing approach in the quest to prevent and deter criminal activities. This was a stepping stone to more changes as we move forward on this challenging journey.

The drafting of our Strategic Plan, 2023 – 2025, encompasses and takes stock of the wishes of the People of Seychelles as well as the commitment of the men and women in uniform, and the civilian staff of the Seychelles Police Force to make it happen.

Our Police Force is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all the People of Seychelles and visitors alike. In so doing, I will emphasize on the Code of Ethics and the implementation of the seven (7) strategic work streams to bring about sustainable change.

I must also acknowledge the invaluable inputs in the shaping of this very important document by the British experts, namely Sir George Hamilton, Mr. Philip Knox, and Mr. Raymond Murray.

Finally, rest assured that I am fully committed and will continue to execute my duties faithfully and diligently for the betterment of the People of Seychelles. Ted Barbé Commissioner of Police Seychelles Police Force.

Ted Barbé
Commissioner of Police
Seychelles Police Force


The police force in the Seychelles is a national body which falls under the control of the National Commissioner of Police, who is appointed by the President subject to the approval of the National Assembly....


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