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An overview of our responsibilities, values, publications and more.
Learn the hints and tips to keep your person and business properties safe.
Contact us
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About Seychelles Police
Prevent anything that may threaten the safety or security of any community; Investigate any crimes that threaten the safety and security of any community; Ensure criminals are brought to justice; and Participate in endeavours to address the root cause of crime.
Our Core-Values
Protect everyone’s rights and to be impartial, respectful, open and accountable to the community; Use the powers given to us in a responsible way; Provide a responsible, effective and high quality service with honesty and integrity; Evaluate our service continuously and make every effort to improve on it; Use our resources in the best way possible; Develop the skills of all members through equal opportunity; and Co-operate with the community, all levels of Government and other role players
Our Vision
Create a safe and secure environment for all people
Keeping our Communities Safe
Let us all help take a bite out of crime.
Be alert and avoid becoming a victim.
Each and everyone of us can help make a difference. Call 133 (anonymous and confidential) if you have any information about a crime or suspicious activities or you think you have useful information that may help to prevent a crime.
Call 999 (strictly for emergency purposes) or email: crimestopper@police.gov.sc