Central Police Headquarters, Victoria
Mon - Fri: 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.
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Seychelles Police Day


Police officers take part in blood donation drive

To commemorate the Seychelles Police Day celebrated on September 21 each year, some 30 officers from the Seychelles Police yesterday participated in a blood donation drive at the Seychelles Hospital.

Corporal Mira Marimba, who joined the police force 15 years ago, said that was not her first donation. “I am used to giving blood as I saw a need from the hospital but unfortunately there are many youths who cannot give blood as they are into drugs. I see this as a charitable gesture and as a youth and a member of the police force I find it very important. There are many people who might need blood and it can be anyone of us. Instead of being victim of bad influences, let us do it as our duty to help our own. Maler pa averti and anyone can need blood at any given time. We have to keep feeding the blood bank in order to help the community.”

Corporal Marimba shared that she once received a call from a friend asking her to give blood for an emergency situation.

Jonathan Louise from the response service also came forward to participate in the drive and he has been doing this kind gesture for the last 13 years. “I am a frequent donor and I try to give blood every time I can. I was once called to help my cousin who needed blood before her delivery and in my opinion, the hospital needs to be ready at all times and we civilians should come forward to help replenish the bank.”

Sergeant Jeanine Maria, occupational health safety officer and nursing officer at the Seychelles Police shared that it is important for them police officers to have a link with the community and donating blood creates this link. “It is important for the community to see the Seychelles Police caring for them and we encourage the public in general to donate blood as we are helping people in need.”

A blood donation club is also being set up within the force as three to four times officers donate blood.

Elizabeth Banda, senior programme officer from the Blood Transfusion Unit, thanked all those who came forward to donate blood. “Thanks to all of you, we were able to manage in all the recent emergency cases the hospital received. We really appreciate that the police are coming forward to support us. So far our unit always campaigns to invite companies to come forward to donate blood and we want everyone to get involved in the blood issue as we do not know who might need it tomorrow.”

Sub-Inspector Audrey Ally is the one who coordinated this activity and noted that during this week’s activities they want to sensitise the public on the presence of the police in community. The activities that will take place during the week include: (Wednesday September 21) Ministry of Health Talk: Erectile Disfunction & amp; Prostate cancer (male) followed by a mass at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral from 1200 to 1330. This will be followed by a procession from church to Central HQ which will include a police platoon, parade commander and brass band. Commissioner of Police Ted Barbe and the Minister for Internal Affairs Errol Fonseka will address the officers.

On Thursday there will be a tour around the police stations. On Friday, there will be police talks given in regional schools and at the Police HQ, as well as a health screening activity. On the same day, at the Seychelles PoSeychelles Police Forcelice Academy, there will be a prize giving ceremony. The week will end with a sports day on Saturday.



The police force in the Seychelles is a national body which falls under the control of the National Commissioner of Police, who is appointed by the President subject to the approval of the National Assembly....


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