Central Police Headquarters, Victoria
Mon - Fri: 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.
Crime Sropper


Kominike Lapolis

Kaleb Cainan aze 15an in kondann 18 mwan Prizon, ek en lanmann 20mil roupi ki i pou bezwen peye.
Ziz ki ti pe ekout sa ka, in ordonnen ki son santans 18 mwan Prizon, I ganny sispann pou en peryod 18 mwan, e ki dan sa lanmann 20mil roupi en sonm 16mil roupi ladan i al koman en konpansasyon pou sa viktim dan sa ka, kot si Cainan pa arive pey sa kosyon 20 mil roupi I pou deservi en term 12 mwan Prizon.
Cainan ti komet sa lofans le 9 Zilyet 2023 dan rezyon Belombre kot i ti vol en Scooter, ki tin park lo en propriyete prive.
Departman Lapolis


The police force in the Seychelles is a national body which falls under the control of the National Commissioner of Police, who is appointed by the President subject to the approval of the National Assembly....


Police Headquarters, P.O Box 46, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles

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