Central Police Headquarters, Victoria
Mon - Fri: 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.
Crime Sropper


Kominike Lapolis


Diferan younit e seksyon dan lapolis ti zwenn ansanm dan en loperasyon spesyal kin fer yer dan rezyon Perseverance, Anse Etoile, La Gogue, Maldives, La Retrait, North East Point, Glacis, Beau Vallon, Belombre, St Louis e rezyon lavil.

Sa loperasyon in target plizyer kalite lofans ki pe arive dan sa bann landwa kot aktivite ilegal pe ganny fer e pou osi asir sekirite lo larout piblik. Dan sa bann loperasyon lapolis in osi fer lafouy lo plizyer dimoun, dan serten lakaz, ghetto e dan bann transpor plizyer dimoun in ganny arete pou sa bann lofans swivan.

* An posesyon drog ilegal

*An posesyon serten zouti ofansiv

*Enterfer avek louvraz lapolis

* Dray anba lenflians lalkol ki parlao limit ki lalwa i preskir 35ug/100ml

*Konsonmasyon lalkol dan landwa piblik

*konsonmasyon lalkol dan transpor lo larout piblik

*Servi en transpor lo larout piblik san en lasirans e patant ki valid

*Mont bisiklet lo larout piblik san en patant

E osi serten sispe ki ti ganny bezwen dan sertan ka in ganny arete.

Lapolis I oule lans lapel avek manm piblik ki i en lofans konsonm lalkol dan landwa piblik espesyalman bann lenfrastriktir parey Bazar, Bus stop sirtou dan rezyon Belombre kot bokou sa bann aktivite pe ganny deroule koman en routin. Lapolis pou kontinyelman ranforsi son prezan dan sa bann landwa a nenport moman pou fer sir ki lord i ganny mete e ki kominote i santi zot pli an sekirite.

Manm piblik pe ganny ankouraze pou touzour raport bann aktivite ilegal e kriminel ki pe arive dan zot kominote atrave bann platform lapolis oubyen kontakte 133 nou lanir konfidansyel.


The police force in the Seychelles is a national body which falls under the control of the National Commissioner of Police, who is appointed by the President subject to the approval of the National Assembly....


Police Headquarters, P.O Box 46, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles

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Phone: 4288000

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