Central Police Headquarters, Victoria
Mon - Fri: 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.
Crime Sropper


Kominike Lapolis


Lapolis pe raport lo 2 lanmor kin arive ozordi bomaten kot en lakaz Reef Estate dan distrik Anse Aux Pins. Sa i en Papa 92an ek son garson 46an.

Premye rapor ti ganny fer ver 7er 30 bomaten apre ki sa papa tin ganny vwar pa pe reazir zofisye medikal ti reponn lapel lo teren.Tes Covid 19 ti ganny fer sirplas in demontre ki sa msye ti pozitiv pou covid 19. Plitar ver 10er bomaten en 2yenm rapor ti ganny fer kordgard Anse Aux Pins kot son piti 46an ki ti osi reste avek li tin osi ganny vwar pa pe reazir dan son lasanm. Tou lede dimoun ti ganny sertifye mor lo scene.

Lanket ki deza an progre pa pe demontre okenn akt ou sir malisye dan lanmor sa papa ek son piti. Antretan lapolis pe esper rapor rezilta letopsi pou determin lakoz ekzakt zot lanmor.


The police force in the Seychelles is a national body which falls under the control of the National Commissioner of Police, who is appointed by the President subject to the approval of the National Assembly....


Police Headquarters, P.O Box 46, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles

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Phone: 4288000

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