Central Police Headquarters, Victoria
Mon - Fri: 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.
Crime Sropper


Kominike Lapolis


En garson 19 an in ozordi apremidi ganny tape par en Picanto vye model  kouler nwanr Barbarons Estate dan zanmerant stasyon delo PUC an desandan avan ariv kot depo bis SPTC.

Sa aksidan kot sa Picanto pann arete pou get son viktim ti ariv ver 1:20 apremidi.

Sa garson ki ti pe konplent douler dan likou, lebra, ledo ek lazanm in resevwar tretman lopital Sesel apre ganny large e lapolis pe demann nenport dimoun ki annan lenformasyon lo sa Picanto pou kontakte son sant komann oubyen stasyon lapolis Anse Boileau.


En zonm 50 an parkont li in admit lo ward lopital Sesel avek felir dan latet swivan en bagar kin arive obor kot en landwra divertisman dan Victoria yer swar. Sispe dan sa lensidan pakor ganny arete e lanket I an progre dan sa ka.


The police force in the Seychelles is a national body which falls under the control of the National Commissioner of Police, who is appointed by the President subject to the approval of the National Assembly....


Police Headquarters, P.O Box 46, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles

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Phone: 4288000

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