Central Police Headquarters, Victoria
Mon - Fri: 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.
Crime Sropper


35 maren endyen in ganny rimann pou lapes ilegal dan lanmer Sesel


35 maren endyen in ganny rimann pou lapes ilegal dan lanmer Sesel.

Lapolis in raporte ki en total 32 manm lekipaz avek 3 patron ti ganny anmenn devan lakour Siprenm semenn pase, le 8 Mars kot zot in ganny rimann koman sispe pou lapes ilegal dan lanmer Sesel.

2 parmi sa 3 bato ti ganny vwar pe lapes dan Zone ekonomik eksklisiv Sesel le 5 Mars tandis ki lot ti ganny trouve le 6 Mars.

Lo enn sa  bato apele “Dono” ti annan 10 manm ek en patron, tandis ki lo “Stsnabaka Arulapper” ek “Infant Jesus”  ti annan 11 manm lekipaz ek en patron sakenn.

Angaze dan loperasyon deteksyon e eskor sa 3 boto lapes Mahe ti personel Sant Loperasyon Maritim Gard lakot Sesel, tandis ki lenspeksyon e lasezi ekzibit ki enkli materyo lapes ek pwason ki tin ganny atrape ti antreprann par Lapolis e zofisye lotorite lapes Sesel ki pe fer lanket dan sa ka.

Tou le 35 sispe ki annan nasyonalite endyen pou repas ankour le 22 Mars


En zonm I ganny sarze pou plizyer lofans kriminel lo La Digue.

En zonm 25 an sorti La Digue ki tin ganny arete konman sispe dan plizyer lensidan kin arive kont son ansyen konpany lo La Digue ant le 09- 14 Mars 2022 in ganny anmenn ankour  ozordi bomaten kot

in formelman ganny sarze pou sa bann lofans swivan.

·        Vol

·        Lagresyon fizik kin koz dimal lo en dimoun

·        Posesyon en lobze ofansiv

·        Tretman vyolans

·        2 ka trespas kriminel


Lakour Mazistra in rezet laplikasyon bail pou ki sa akize I ganny large lo laliberte provizwar e rimann li prizon Montage Posee pou 14 zour.


The police force in the Seychelles is a national body which falls under the control of the National Commissioner of Police, who is appointed by the President subject to the approval of the National Assembly....


Police Headquarters, P.O Box 46, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles

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