Central Police Headquarters, Victoria
Mon - Fri: 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.
Crime Sropper


En 5yenm zonm in ganny arete dan lanmor Rupert Berney Appasamy.


Apre ki 4 zonm ti ganny arete e plitar ganny sarze dan lanmor Rupert Appasamy arive an Septanm lannen pase, Lapolis in yer Mardi aret en 5yenm sispe dan sa ka. Sa I en zonm 26 an sorti Bel Air ki lapolis ti pe rode an koneksyon avek disparisyon e lanmor evantyel Appasamy. Sa sispe ki tin kit pei ti ganny arete yer lo son retour Sesel.

Appasamy aze 37 an ki ti reste Roche Caiman ti ganny raporte manke avek lapolis par manm son fanmiy le 14  Septanm apre ki zot ti dernyen fwa war li vivan le 11 Septanm.

2 premye sispe zonm dan sa ka ti ganny arete le 21 Septanm e 2 zour plitar lekor Appasamy ti ganny dekouver kot I tin ganny touye e antere kot en vye lakaz inabite Bougainville.

Sa zonm 26 an kin ganny arete yer in ganny anmenn ankour ozordi apremidi kot in ganny large lo serten kondisyon en “Bail” 100mil roupi, raport kordgard santral toulezour pou vin sir liv, remet tou son bann dokiman vwayaz avek lakour e pou pa enterfer avek temwen dan sa ka.


Ou ava apel ki sa ka mert pou komans ganny ekoute par lakour Siprenm an Me sa lannen.


The police force in the Seychelles is a national body which falls under the control of the National Commissioner of Police, who is appointed by the President subject to the approval of the National Assembly....


Police Headquarters, P.O Box 46, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles

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Phone: 4288000

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