Central Police Headquarters, Victoria
Mon - Fri: 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.
Crime Sropper


Revisions for a more effective police force


The department of police has since last year been undergoing different revisions aimed at having a more professional and effective police force to meet the expectations of people in the community.

The new commissioner of police Reginald Elizabeth said on Friday the revisions were necessary and some of the officers promoted in Friday’s ceremony have been appointed in key positions for the effective functions of the revised structure of the force.

“They are committed and dedicated officers with lots of potentials,” Commissioner Elizabeth said.

He added that in its continued effort to be effective in this day and age the police force is looking towards information technology to raise the standard of its services to the community be it in intelligence gathering, for investigation, to monitor traffic and for general observation.

In relation to the latter he noted that several CCTV cameras have been installed around Victoria for round the clock surveillance to help the police when officers are not present on the scene.

Commissioner Elizabeth said the department of police is also in the process of introducing a new software programme for advanced intelligence gathering of criminal activities. 

To monitor traffic and fight related breach of regulations and crimes, Commissioner Elizabeth said a number plate recognising system will soon be installed to help the central command centre which is currently undergoing a complete revamp.

“The aim is to turn it into our operation centre whereby it can receive, monitor and deal with information, report on any crime reported by any station anywhere,” Commissioner Elizabeth explained.

Also through its agreement with the UNODC, the department of police expects to strengthen and computerise its case management system and to set up better communication with the individuals concerned.

Meanwhile steps to set up a fully-fledged forensic laboratory are well advanced and Commissioner Elizabeth said when operational this will prevent the problems the force is currently experiencing when samples are sent overseas for analysis.

“We are in an advanced stage in the process and hopefully very soon more details on the project will be announced,” Commissioner Elizabeth said.

As certain police officers’ behaviour and attitude towards the public they serve persistently remain a cause for concern, undermining continuous effort by the force to raise its standard and quality of its services to the community, Commissioner Elizabeth said he will continue to seek ways to ensure members of the force go through proper training.

“Earlier this year all officers in charge of police stations around the country followed intensive service delivery training at the Guy Morel Institute and at present they are passing on these knowledge to the men and women under their command,” Commissioner Elizabeth pointed out.


Commissioner Elizabeth added that in its effort to continue providing the necessary conducive environment to motivate members of the force to deliver services required of them, the department of police is pushing ahead with its plans to rebuild and renovate police stations around the country.

He said at present work is progressing well on the Grand Anse Praslin police station while construction work on a new station at Anse Aux Pins has just got underway.

All this follow the recent extensive refurbishment and renovation of the Mont Fleuri police station.

Seychelles Police

Commissioner Elizabeth also said that the force is now better equipped to serve and meet the demands of people in the communities in terms of transport.

“Police officers in the communities have enough transport for the different services and there are no reason for them to be delayed when responding to a call for help. If ever there are reasons for delay they can always get support from the closest station,” Commissioner Elizabeth said.  

Meanwhile Commissioner Elizabeth has confirmed that the police force is still relying on the services of the Nepalese Gurkhas but is calling for more young Seychellois to join the force and serve our communities, noting that there are still a good number of posts available.


The police force in the Seychelles is a national body which falls under the control of the National Commissioner of Police, who is appointed by the President subject to the approval of the National Assembly....


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