Central Police Headquarters, Victoria
Mon - Fri: 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.
Crime Sropper

Public Order and Tactical Response Unit

Purpose of the unit

The unit’s designed to form and deployed a highly motivated, well trained group of shock troops to is tasked with intercepting, defusing and or neutralizing any and all situations which the regular police are not equipped or able to handle.

Main functions


Shift Duties:

The main role of the Shift duties section, which is comprised of four shifts is to ensure that any State, Diplomatic asset or residence and also any national Strategic infrastructure which has an agreement with the Seychelles Police Force receive armed sentry protection on a fifteen hour basis or 24 hour basis.

Armory Section:

This section is one of the smallest in terms of manpower but the importance of the role it plays cannot be understated not only are they responsible to account for every bullet and firearm used or kept in safekeeping by the unit but also they ensure that all firearms used by our officers in the daily duties are serviceable and well maintained, the proverbial lion’s share of their work is to organize and implement firearms and ammunitions escort for all marine vessels and aircraft which have to surrender their weapons upon entry in the Seychelles and are retuned to them on their departure.

VVIP Protection

This is one of the duties for which the unit is internationally recognized, from Royalty to heads of state and every possible preeminent title or position in between. It is the mandate of our VVIP’s protection team’s highly skilled and experienced operators to offer the full range of protection they need be it Personal Security Officers (P.S.O’s) Advance Parties for recon, Counter Attack Teams or C.A.T’s for protection of vehicular convoys regardless of the severity of the threat against their life.

Anti- Riot Team:

A specialization which can be described as the bread and butter of the unit, it is a field that members of this unit regardless of rank have to be trained in and be proficient at performing, in operating terms we have a dedicating small team that operate as an advance party to identify and access potential threats and additional officers can be pulled in from other sections to boost up manpower has needed to deal with the specific situation.

N.E.D.E.X/ E.O.D team 

A small highly trained and motivated team of officers, that are often times engaged in other duties but remain on call at a moment’s notice to deal with a bomb threat which may arise.


The Seychelles Vessel Protection Detachment is a fairly new addition to the unit added only a few years ago. The function of this unit is to provide anti-piracy protection to Seychellois Maritime vessels on the high-seas within our EEZ and even in international waters.

Of course we cannot forget to mention the sections that operate in the background and ensure that the unit has all it needs for its continued success such as: The Secretariat, Mechanical Services, Stores and Logistics, Kitchen, our Civilian staff and everyone committed on a daily basis to push the unit forward.


The police force in the Seychelles is a national body which falls under the control of the National Commissioner of Police, who is appointed by the President subject to the approval of the National Assembly....


Police Headquarters, P.O Box 46, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles

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Phone: 4288000

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